
Am I a High-Functioning Alcoholic? Risk Factors and Warning Signs

How to Recognize the Signs of a High-Functioning Alcoholic

Broadly, the term alcohol use disorder can describe a spectrum of medical conditions characterized primarily by not being able to stop or control drinking. When you lose control over drinking patterns, it can create negative consequences in different areas of your life. Alcohol addiction is one of the most severe levels of an alcohol use disorder, but these disorders can also be mild or moderate. While these types of alcoholics may not struggle to hold down a job or maintain a relationship, long-term alcohol abuse will cause a range of health consequences. People who drink heavily for years on end increase their risk of developing certain cancers and liver disease. A functional alcoholic is also tricky to recognize because they tend to be secretive about their drinking levels and habits.

Concealing How Much Alcohol Is Used

Reminding yourself that you can’t “fix” your loved one — but you can be there for them — can help you cool off, says Elhaj. All experts agree that when talking to your loved one, it’s best to be patient and compassionate. If you’re trying to help someone you love, speaking to them openly and honestly can be one of the best things to do early on. The person may not realize there’s such an issue that others have noticed, and a conversation free of judgment can bring about more awareness.

How to help friends and family

  • If you use alcohol, especially regularly, it begins to affect your brain structurally and functionally.
  • High-functioning alcoholics may also experience diminished job performance, which can jeopardize their career prospects.
  • Although a person with high-functioning alcoholism may appear fine, they are not.
  • If you spot signs of alcoholism in a loved one, encourage them to seek help.

This article explores the meaning of the term high functioning alcoholic, looks at the signs and symptoms of alcohol use disorder (AUD), how people can help friends and family, and more. A high functioning alcoholic is an informal term that refers to someone who appears to maintain a successful professional and personal high functioning alcoholic life while drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Drinking is often covert, and the person may deny they have any issue with their drinking. Our treatment centers can provide help for co-occurring disorders during your inpatient stay. This includes access to treatment for mental health conditions or drug abuse.

Alcoholism Resources

Below are the various alcohol withdrawal and recovery treatment options available to individuals seeking to overcome high-functioning alcoholism. Answer the following questions to see if you might be a high-functioning alcoholic. If you find yourself answering “yes” to at least two of the following questions, it may indicate an alcohol use disorder. High-functioning alcoholics may also experience diminished job performance, which can jeopardize their career prospects. You find yourself having an eye opener in the morning when you’ve overdone it the night before. The intention is to lessen the effects of your hangover by adding some alcohol into the mix to help your body regulate.

How to Recognize the Signs of a High-Functioning Alcoholic

Signs Of A High-Functioning Alcoholic

How to Recognize the Signs of a High-Functioning Alcoholic

This is often what’s best for someone with a more severe or long-term alcohol use disorder or a co-occurring mental health disorder. For those who aren’t familiar with this disorder first-hand, when they hear the term “alcoholic,” they might picture someone unable to hold a job or maintain healthy relationships because of their drinking. But having alcohol use disorder doesn’t necessarily mean a person is unable to function in their daily life. This person probably doesn’t have a job and spends much of their day drinking alcohol or asking for money to buy it. The problem is, not all alcoholics fit the classic picture of a person who is in dire need of treatment. High-functioning alcoholics may seem to be performing well in most areas of life.

  • Unfortunately, this is sometimes the first sign that heavy or moderate drinking has become a serious problem.
  • Even though it may seem like the situation is sustainable, continued alcohol abuse causes serious damage.

Outpatient Programs

  • Since drinking alcohol is a normal activity, high-functioning alcoholics often blend in with their friends and co-workers who also drink regularly, but who are not alcoholics.
  • Sometimes, people with alcohol use disorder don't recognize their drinking is an issue, especially if they meet their work and home life responsibilities despite their alcohol dependence.
  • Recognizing the importance of seeking professional help and support is the first significant step to recovery.
  • They tend to lose all interest in food, and instead, use mealtime as an excuse to start drinking again.
  • Working alcoholics can still hold down a job and possibly excel in that job.
  • Contrary to popular belief, a person does not have to hit rock bottom to seek help.

Find the Help You or Your Loved One Needs

How to Recognize the Signs of a High-Functioning Alcoholic


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